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WITNESS is an international organization that trains and supports people using video in their fight for human rights. Every day, activists and citizens risk their lives to expose the truth. WITNESS is a leader of a global movement that uses video to create human rights change.
A LIBRARY OF FREE RESOURCES FOR VIDEO ACTIVISTS, TRAINERS AND THEIR ALLIES. 21 VIDEOS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD. What is Video Metadata? A brief explanation of metadata and safety tips for activists. Deconstructing Digital Video for Activists. Understanding codecs, frame sizes, frame rates, and more. Planning to Preserve Video for Human Rights. Develop a plan so your video is safe and usable tomorrow or in 15 years. 44 GUIDES AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD.
For over 20 years WITNESS has served as a frontline resource for training expertise and global focal point on best practices in using human rights video. We support human rights defenders in using video more safely, ethically and effectively through in-person trainings, free online resources and practical tools. The WITNESS Video for Change Curriculum is a free, comprehensive resource for trainers and activists that want to use or support others in using video for advocacy.
WITNESS es una organización internacional sin fines de lucro que capacita y ayuda a personas para usar videos en su lucha por los derechos humanos. Todos los días, activistas y ciudadanos arriesgan su vida para exponer la verdad. Ayudamos a garantizar que sus esfuerzos no sean en vano. WITNESS es pionera de un movimiento global que usa video para promover y defender derechos humanos. Guía para activistas sobre cómo archivar video. Herramientas para plan de acción de video. Red Video para el Cambio.
What We Learned in our 3 Years Curating Human Rights Videos. The WITNESS Media Lab is dedicated to unleashing the potential of eyewitness video as a powerful tool to report, monitor, and advocate for human rights. We believe that the next stage of human rights documentation and advocacy will be powered by videos created and shared by eyewitnesses. Our work addresses the challenges of finding, verifying, and contextualizing those videos. Use This App to Film the Police Or Not.
Chaque jour, des militants et des citoyens risquent leur vie pour faire connaître la vérité. Nous contribuons à assurer que leurs efforts ne soient pas en vain.
A WITNESS é uma organização internacional sem fins lucrativos que capacita e ajuda pessoas a usarem o vídeo na luta por direitos humanos. Todos os dias, ativistas e cidadãos arriscam a vida para expor a verdade. Nós ajudamos a garantir que seus esforços não sejam em vão. A WITNESS é pioneira de um movimento global que usa o vídeo para promover e defender os direitos humanos. Visite o Blog da WITNESS. Guia de ativistas para arquivamento de vídeos. Kit de ferramentas para planejar uma ação em vídeo.
15 million people are forcibly evicted each year. WITNESS works to incorporate video advocacy into local and global campaigns for housing and land rights with international and local partners in Brazil, Cambodia, Egypt, India and Mexico. Evict Them in Five Easy Steps. Download All Toolkit Guides And Videos. Guides, Multilingual, Toolkit. Como terminar una comunidad de 140 años en 15 días.
The next morning I went to report to the police and they told me - you are too old to be raped. Victim from the Congo video Our voices matter , June 2012. This is my first time I come to a training and feel that I am leaving with handsome knowledge, feel capable to do what I have I learnt.
WITNESS collaborates with activists, human rights lawyers and international justice organizations to enhance the evidentiary value of video captured in the field. Video as Evidence Field Guide. To Better Document Human Rights Abuse. For Filmers, Investigators and Researchers. Tara Vassefi Joins WITNESS As Video As Evidence Legal Fellow.
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Chaque jour, des militants et des citoyens risquent leur vie pour faire connaître la vérité. Nous contribuons à assurer que leurs efforts ne soient pas en vain.